Laravel 11: New Features and Upgrades

Introduction to Laravel 11

Laravel, a popular open-source PHP web framework based on the MVC architecture, is known for developing scalable web applications. Its Blade templating engine allows developers to create dynamic frontends, making it a robust and flexible framework. Laravel boasts an elegant syntax, scalability, accessibility, a large community, and continuous upgrades. Laravel 11, released on February 6, 2024, continues this tradition with new features and enhancements.

New Features in Laravel 11

  1. Dropped Support for PHP 8.1
    • With the stable releases of PHP 8.2 and PHP 8.3, Laravel 11 no longer supports PHP 8.1. Upgrading is gradual and can be done as per individual needs.
  2. Minimalistic App Structure
    • App Structure: Streamlined for a modern experience with a leaner interface.
    • Bootstrap File: High-level behavior settings unified in bootstrap/app.php.
    • Service Providers: Consolidated into a single AppServiceProvider.
    • Configuration Files: Default config files removed, using .env for settings. Use php artisan config:publish –all to publish needed config files.
    • Opt-In API and Broadcasting Routing: api.php and channels.php not included by default, can be added via Artisan commands.
    • Middleware: Moved to the framework to avoid bulkiness in the app structure.
    • Scheduling: Scheduled tasks defined directly in routes/console.php.
  3. Kernel Console Removed
    • Console commands now defined in routes/console.php, simplifying command management.
  4. Per-Second Rate Limiting
    • Supports per-second rate limiting for queued jobs and HTTP requests.
  5. Graceful Encryption Key Rotation
    • Allows listing old encryption keys in APP_PREVIOUS_KEYS to avoid logging out users when changing keys.
  6. Model::casts() Method
    • Model casts now defined as methods, allowing direct method calls from casts.
  7. New Artisan Commands
    • Commands for quickly creating classes, interfaces, and traits: make:class, make:interface, make:trait.

Laravel 10 vs. Laravel 11

Feature Laravel 10 Laravel 11
Initial Setup Comprehensive but involved boilerplate code Simplified, with less boilerplate
Minimum PHP Version PHP 8.1 PHP 8.2
Debugging Capabilities Traditional functional methods Dumpable Trait for simplified debugging
Data Handling Model casting in Eloquent model New method for efficient data handling

Reasons to Upgrade to Laravel 11

  1. Elevated Performance: Improved caching, fast routing, optimized queries, and increased speed.
  2. Improved Developer Experience: Better documentation, debugging tools, and error-handling.
  3. Blade Templating Enhancements: More flexibility for designing reusable views.
  4. Backward Compatibility: Easy upgrade with minimal effort.
  5. New Features: Streamlined API development, improved authentication, and more.

Pro Tip: Upgrade Considerations

  • Laravel 9 Users: Security fixes ended on February 6, 2024. Upgrading is essential.
  • Laravel 10 Users: Bug fixes continue until August 6, 2024, and security fixes until February 4, 2025.


Considering the significant improvements in Laravel 11, upgrading can enhance performance, developer experience, and overall application robustness. If you need assistance, our expert team is ready to help with design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance for your web applications.