What is Google Analytics 4?

GA4 is not simply a redesign of Universal Analytics (UA); it’s an entirely new product that can be installed in addition to your existing UA profile. That said, if you’re setting up GA for the first time, GA4 is the “latest version” that superseded UA as the default analytics platforms in October 2020. UA can still be installed, but GA4 is to be considered a Google Analytics update.

Previously, Analytics was divided between web properties (traditional Google Analytics) and Analytics for Firebase (to specifically cater to app needs). Perhaps most importantly, Google Analytics 4 seeks to set property owners up with flexible, yet powerful analytics tools within the bounds of cookieless tracking and consent management.

In other words: Google Analytics 4 is ready for the future, and the future is now.

  • New dashboard layout
  • Event-based tracking
  • AI and machine learning capabilities
  • Increased customization abilities
  • Cross-platform analysis
  • Focus on customer privacy

What is Google changing in GA4 attribution?

The error they are hoping to remedy has most commonly been occurring in single-page applications when the ‘gclid” parameter falls off after multiple page views. This results in conversions being attributed to organic search that should be attributed to paid search. Google has made an update that will capture campaign information on the first event on each webpage to ensure that issue does not continue to happen.

What do these changes to attribution in GA4 mean for my brand?

PPC teams should be warned that this could have strategic implications over the next few weeks as accuracy of attribution increases, and more conversions are attributed to paid advertising efforts.

The update could present a major opportunity to capitalize on campaigns that are far more efficient than once thought based on the old data. Marketers are encouraged to take a close look at their budget capped campaigns ahead of this transition to better position their brand to optimize around the new data.

Closely monitoring spend across all ad campaigns during the transition will be crucial for brands that don’t want to miss a beat and want to make the most out of this update.

Stay tuned for more updates on Google Analytics 4 here. If you could use help with GA4, reach out to our team today. We have a team of analytics experts waiting to help your brand reach data science nirvana!

Using GA4 to Optimize Your Holiday Strategy

November 9, 2023

The Q4 shopping season has officially arrived! With GA4 in full force, 2023 is bringing change to how businesses understand their campaign performance.

One of the biggest changes is latency. With GA4, conversions can take up to 72 hours to be reported. This isn’t ideal during critical periods like Black Friday, when marketers are typically refreshing their computers and watching the latest numbers come in to make in-the-moment changes.

But there is a way to get around this. With BigQuery, you can query data within the last hour (or even minute), giving you the ability to make optimizations and get the most you can out of Cyber Week.

Want to learn more? Watch our video on Using GA4 to Optimize Your Holiday Strategy.

GA4 strategies for Cyber 5

October 12, 2023

This is the first year that brands are having to use GA4 during the critical Cyber 5 period. Are you ready to achieve your highest potential using the new platform? Keep reading to learn about useful GA4 reports for Cyber 5 and what you need to know about latency during Q4 seasonality.

Useful GA4 Reports for Cyber 5

When it comes to Cyber 5, knowing the right reports to look at in GA4 will be key to understanding your campaign performance and making sure you’re putting your marketing dollars in the best places. Here are some of the reports you’ll want to pull.

All Channels Performance: Use to compare how each Analytics version attributes revenue/conversions across the entire marketing mix

  • How to access in GA4: Advertising > Performance > All Channels
  • Previously accessible in Universal Analytics (UA) at: Acquisition > All traffic > Performance

Model Comparison Reports: Use to get a quick, direct comparison of how multi-touch (DDA) attribution compares to previous single touch attribution models of UA.

  • How to access in GA4: Advertising > Attribution > Model Comparison

Custom Explore Reports: Use to create path exploration or funnel exploration reports and easily visualize how events or conversions spurred by specific channels push users through the purchase journey.

  • How to access in GA4: Explore > New exploration

Data Freshness in GA4

You’ll also want to understand how fresh your data is in GA4. According to Googl

Couple data freshness with multi-touch attribution, and reports for any given day may continue to change for up to 72 hours.

To determine what your latency is:

  1. Select a few recent date ranges (i.e. today, yesterday, last 3 days).
  2. Download performance data.
  3. Repeat in ~12-hour increments for the exact same range for the next 72 hours.

Your GA4 Resource Repository

September 14

For many marketers, the transition to GA4 has been overwhelming. Getting the resources you need to succeed on the new platform doesn’t have to be. Browse the resources below for the latest updates from our GA4-certified experts.

How to Set Up Your GA4 Integration With BigQuery

BigQuery provides a new world of possibilities with GA4 data. The insights you can gain go beyond what’s possible to achieve in the GA4 UI alone. The first step is to know how to set up your GA4 integration with BigQuery.


We’ve collected some of the most commonly asked questions about GA4 and answered them in this blog. Learn about getting started with GA4, making sense of new features, and more.

How to Choose the Right GA4 Tool to Navigate Your Data

GA4 provides many techniques to analyze and report on data. Gain an understanding of each tool’s value and where to begin when trying to navigate your data.

Customizing the GA4 Report Library

Your business has unique use cases for GA4. Predefined and custom reports can help you gain the top-level insights you need.

Building Impactful Custom Reports in GA4

GA4 differs vastly from Universal Analytics. In this webinar replay, our experts reveal the top reports to build for a seamless transition.

Navigating GA4 Reports & Explorations

Do you know how to navigate GA4 so that you can easily surface critical insights? In this webinar replay, discover the keys to unlock profitable brand growth with GA4.

Understanding Scope in GA4

Understanding scopes in GA4 is fundamental to building, interacting with, and interpreting reports. Learn about the three types of scope: user, session, and event.

How to Spot Tracking Issues in Google Analytics 4

GA4 can provide powerful insights into user behavior on your website. But that hinges on your data being accurate. Discover best practices to identify and address tracking issues. .

Infographic: The 411 on GA4

What should you do to ensure you’re set up for success with GA4? How long are the lookback windows? How does GA4 compare to UA? Get the answers to these questions and more.

How to Set Up Your GA4 Property for Success

Event tracking, custom dimensions, and property settings, oh my! Migrating to GA4 requires lots of significant considerations. Here are some key points to consider.

Getting More Out of GA4: Attribution Key Concepts

What is scope in GA4? What are the different attribution models? How long is data retained in the new platform? Get a high-level overview of the most important things you need to know about GA4.

GA4: Understanding the New Generation of Attribution

Dive into the next generation of Google Analytics in this webinar replay that includes a walk-through of a GA4 account. You’ll learn about attribution modeling, lookback windows, data retention, and more.

ROI Revolution Is Now a GA4-Certified Agency!

ROI Revolution was once of the first agencies to become GA4-certified. What does this mean for brands that are looking to use GA4 to make impactful business decisions?

When you have a trusted guide by your side, your business can thrive beyond what you thought was possible. To discover the untapped opportunities that our GA4-certified experts can help you discover, send a message to our team today.